Sunday, March 10, 2013

Rava Dosa : A very pretty Dosa

Hi Guys !!!

I always thought of making this but the idea of it scared me...what if it doesn't look and taste the way it should... what if i dont get that crispy net all over... or what if i burn my hands... i may not have the right equipment to make it... so finally yesterday i gave into my fears and jumped into trying it.  And believe it... it turned out that even I can make such pretty rava dosas... So, if someone like me can do it, you can do it too ... lets get started !

Gather your Equipment:

A non stick Tava/ Griddle/Wide pan
A piece of cloth (maybe a small handkerchief or a thick paper towel)
A deep laddle/spoon
A wooden spatula


1 cup of Sooji/ Semolina flour (i used the coarse version)
1/4th cup Rice Flour
1/4th cup Plain Flour
1 teaspoon of Cumin Seeds
Salt as per the taste (i added a little lesser than a  teaspoon)
2 cups of water

1/2 Cup of finely chopped corriander
1 teaspoon of finely chopped green chillies

Oil for cooking

Preparing to start:

Mix the Flours, Cumin seeds and salt. Slowly add water to this mixture and bring it to a consistency of buttermilk. The batter should be very runny so you would require to use all the 2 cups of water . Set this aside for 30 minutes.

When you are ready to make your Dosas, put the Tawa/Pan on high flame.  While the pan gets ready add the corriander and chillies to you batter and give it a good stir .

To check if your Pan is ready sprinkle some water on it and it should make a sizzle. If it doesnt you have to wait and let it get further heated. Check again and once the water sizzles you know you are ready to go for it. Pour about 2 teaspoons of oil on it. Wet the piece of cloth or the paper towel and just go over the pan in order to cover it with the oil evenly.


1. Stir the batter (the flour may settle down very quickly and thats why it is imporatnt to give it a stir every time you use it), fill up the deep laddle with it and pour the mixture in the pan starting from sides (remember this is not like the regular dosa where your laddle will go over and create a circle- your laddle should not touch the pan) and come to the center basically covering the circumference you want (i covered the whole pan). You may have to fill up your laddle again for the same dosa. Remember, do not go over the area where you have already poured the batter. You will see beautiful net formed, as you pour the batter and it sizzles.

2. Add a tablespoon of oil on the sides of the dosa and some  drops all over.Your gas flame should be on high all the time.

3. After about two minutes you will see the edges of the dos turning a little brown, slowly put you spatula under it and chekc for color on the other side. It should be golden brown. Flip the dosa and cook for another minute. Remove from heat and serve hot with coconut chutney .

Its very easy to make these dosas and they taste delicious. I hope you will enjoy making these soon. Do not forget to share these dosas with your friends and family... beacuse food tastes delicious only when shared !


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