Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Italian Heaven on your Plate : Tiramisu (eggless)

Italian Heaven on your Plate : Tiramisu (eggless)

prep time:30 minutes
freezing time :5 hours

Tiramisu is a layered dessert, consisting of alternating layers of coffee-soaked Savoiardi biscuits and sweet mixture of mascarpone cheese, eggs and sugar. I am not using eggs for my recipe.
To prepare the biscuit layer, the Savoiardi are soaked in espresso or strong coffee, often with an addition of a flavorful liquor such as sweet Marsala wine or dark rum. I couldn't find the right wine and so i skipped this part.
For the mascarpone cheese layer, a mixture of egg yolks (i used heavy creme instead), sugar and Marsala wine(i used few more tblspoons of espresso) is first prepared , to which the mascarpone cheese is added. The creme is then beaten stiff and folded in to the mascarpone. This mixture is spread over the coffee-soaked biscuits. The layer is then topped with a dusting of cocoa powder, as both a garnish and a bitter counterpoint to the sweetened cheese mixture, and more layers are added.
Countless variations for Tiramisu exist. Some people may use other cakes or sweet, yeasted breads, such as sponge cake, in place of ladyfingers.Other cheese mixtures are used as well, some containing raw eggs, and others containing no eggs at all. Other liquors are frequently substituted for the traditional Marsala wine in both the coffee and the cheese mixture, including dark rum, Madeira, port and brandy.

When i thought of making my first Tiramisu, i was so confused and found a thousand recipes here and there and finally settled for my own. Here it is :

Gather Your Equipment:

2 medium sized bowls
2 spatulas
A wide pan/bowl
8×8-inch square baking dish
A sieve


4 teaspoons instant coffee
2 cups hot (not boiling) water
1 cup thickened cream (heavy creme needs to be whipped)
250g mascarpone cheese
1/2 cup caster sugar (also known as confectioners' sugar)
4 tablespoons of coffee liquor (i skipped it as i couldnt find the right one and used espresso instead)
20  ladyfinger biscuits (if you cant find it, just use a plain sponge cake)
Cocoa powder for sprinkling
Chocolate Truffles and some shavings for garnish
1 tblspn corn starch (sieved)


  • Combine instant coffee and hot water in a bowl that is wide enough to dip the sponge fingers into.
  • Stir to dissolve coffee. 
  • Place in the refrigerator to cool completely.  It doesn’t need to be chilled, just near room temperature is fine.
  • While coffee is cooling, whip thickened cream to stiff peaks, be careful not to overbeat.
  • In a separate bowl, combine mascarpone cheese, caster sugar and coffee liquor, if using.  If you’re not using coffee liquor, take out 4 tablespoons from your brewed coffee and use it instead.  
  • Stir mixture until smooth and creamy.
  • Gently fold the mascarpone mixture and  corn starch into the whipped cream and set aside.

  • Remove coffee from the refrigerator and dip the biscuits in it, one by one, for about 2-3 seconds each.  
  • Immediately place the fingers into an 8×8-inch square baking dish to form one single layer (break some in half if you need to).  
  • Spread half of the mascarpone mixture evenly on top.  

  • Dip remaining sponge fingers, as above, to form one more single layer, then spread remaining mascarpone mixture on top.  
  • Dust the top with sifted cocoa powder and garnish with truffles(optional) and chocolate shavings (optional). Refrigerate for about 5 hours to firm up, then slice and serve cold. 

Some Tips : If you feel its a little loose to cut, freeze it for 30 minutes (do not forget to cover the tray) and then cut. Be careful while removing the pieces....this is a delicate tasting dessert also very delicate to handle. You can also make this in wine or martini glasses for individual servings (thats how traditionally tiramisu was served).

Well, i hope you have enjoyed reading this and will love making it..just remember, with Tiramisu... all you need is patience and following of steps.

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