Friday, May 10, 2013

License to Kill

To get any sort of license, you need to prepare and then give a test.... for any field, for anything ! That is the law. But, there is an exception to this law. Really? Yes, from the day of our inception , we have a license. A license  to kill one human being... and sadly it is the "MOTHER" !
Knowingly or unknowingly, every child does it. The story starts from when a child is a mere thought for a mother. Sometimes, for some women ,it takes time to conceive and they truly night and day imagine about the non existent. The stress shortens her life... somebody, somewhere, from up above is using the license !
Once conceived, some women have hard times keeping the fetus in their bodies, due to physical or mental conditions. And if the fetus leaves her body, her life shortens. Somebody, somewhere, just used the license !
The process of delivering itself , makes a woman's body weaker and the immunity levels go down. Most of the problems, that a woman never faced in life, begin ! Life shortens. A normal delivery or a c section, risks are plenty and many and sometimes the woman has to leave this world. Life ends.
For months the beautiful baby that made a woman a mother, would not sleep in the nights... would want a feed every two hours or a diaper change three times in a row, would throw up without any reason, cry for reasons unknown... mother's stress levels are rising. Somebody is using the license !
Some children are healthy but some face problems - physical or mental or both. Stress levels go higher. Somebody is using the license!
Performer ,average performer or a non performer at school, now will decide the severity of stress. Somebody is using the license !
Child's decisions in life, like which stream to be chosen for further studies, which friends to hang out with or what and how much to surf on the internet, can also be of a great concern to a mother.
Entering the college life... teenage to adolescence issues... and nowadays, most of the kids go away to universities, far from home. A mother's heart skips a beat to see their little one taking independent steps in the world.
Marriage decisions, one of the biggest milestones in anybody's life. If one gets lucky, the mom's life increases but if not....
Jobs and everyday fluctuations..its not only the child whose mental state is affected, its the mom who is praying day and night for him/her to settle down happily.
Grand children , Health etc ... killing of "her" is a never ending process. Everyday a new battle and a new way to die ! And above all kids show their anger, depression and frustration the best to their mothers... anytime, anywhere.

The child has the LICENSE TO KILL ! Children have the first rights on their mothers and the mothers' give them this license ... everyday !

Lets take a deep breath and realize how our actions are going to hurt or make her happy. What best can we do for her. How special can we make her life... lets give her what she deserves and not what we want to give ! Lets celebrate this mother's day just as a reminder of what an incredible human being is the "Mother" !
With lots of Love to all the beautiful Moms and a bear hug to my Mummy,