Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes sometimes do not see what eyes are actually seeing. Every nook and corner, everywhere , are those two set of eyes that are eying each other, with the world aware but so unaware. Yes, the affairs of the heart  are such! Look around and you will find plenty and many at your workplace and sometimes you don't even have to look around , you just need a mirror.

Increasingly, today, offices have become a place for heart matters. Bosses, subordinates, peers, colleagues, coworkers..all are involved. The man that you trust with your life and the woman you think as clean as eternity maybe one of these. Blossoming Love, Passion and Recreation day on day..and all the drama..while the world watches with Eyes Wide Shut !

Right, the culprit thinks it is ,and Wrong the victim thinks it is, and sometimes when the story unfolds - Wrong, the culprit thinks it was and Right,the victim think it was.
Starting very simply, just with a 'Hello', a Conflict, a text message ,a forwarded email, a chat message, a travel together, a conference, a meeting,a party or just a Look. It doesn't take too long to appear and takes just a minute to vanish.

The Hide and Seek game that men and women now play with their partners is sometimes also visible to the world. The people around see it clearly in their eyes, actions, reactions, movements and moods, and they keep going, going strong ,this time with their Eyes Wide Shut ! Affairs of the heart sometimes are so strong that they forget that the man or the woman at home are watching and knowing it all.

And sometimes, it goes to an extent that the husband starts calling his wife by his girl friend's name as a result of over cautiousness. The cell phone beeps and the heart stops. The urge to go and see the text message or see the missed call is strong that they almost become stiff in the position they are sitting. After a while they somehow reach, read and delete. When the partner asks, who was it, the answer is so obvious, oh some office colleague or a random marketing call.And then starts the prayer to stop that message on the way which already has been sent or the delivery report. Sundays could become the longest days of their lives. While on a lunch with the partner they might be thinking of whats going on on the other side. Watching a movie could be fun but the urge to let the GF/BF know about it ruins the fun.

The partner knows it all, all the time and there comes a time , a day when things unfold. Comes the time of confrontation, of guilt and sadness. Some couples stand this together and others give up. The ones that get through this take their own time before cursing their partners either in private or in public. And the ones that do not stand this, either bring their families into the scene or just leave. Both the cases leave scars on the relations. Anything and everything gets related to this dirty episode of life. And if others were involved in it, they become a nuisance .

Workplace happens to be the most common and safest place for an extra marital affair. How does the partner know what happens in the long 10-12 hours that are spent outside. Nonetheless to mention, both might be enjoying their so called leisure hours at work. Once home, life can be as pretty as ever or just mechanical. The need to look pretty next day at work or behave like a stud does the trick. Few hours spent at home become easy, even the arguments do not matter. 

Going on tours could be made to look treacherous but the reality is totally opposite . Dedicated 24 hours could be an enormous motivation for a boring tour. Few calls  a day home are enough to keep the balance going.

Office parties which also are made to look pathetic, tiring and boring are of huge interest. Time for fun and frolic. Jealousy might also set in at such instances when the the GF or the BF gets a little cozy with someone else and hence the flames increase. Days could pass texting about the party !

There also comes a time when they urge their partners to meet the GF/BF in a casual setting, so to make life easier, create some acceptance and throw off some guilt away. The smart brain smells it all and the lesser smarter brain takes time ,but they both get there. And when they get there it is not pretty for anyone. Even if the reality doesn't unfold soon, the lies could keeping killing in some form or the other.

All in all, Extra marital affairs should be a no no in any society or culture .Imagine it happening to your loved ones. Imagine it happening to YOU! If you have friends with such matters of the heart you need to bring them out in the sunshine . If it is you who is handling such a matter of the heart all you need to do is STOP, and stop this very moment. And finally,if you were the victim you need to give a chance move forward and let the past rest in peace.